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Shandong Yongchuang Material Technology Co., Ltd. conducts emergency accident plan drill

Released on:2019-12-29

In order to test the company's emergency management training and education results, and enhance the employees' ability to respond to emergency and co-handle emergencies; at the same time, the feasibility of the company's emergency plan is tested, and the shortcomings are improved and revised.

The picture shows Director Wang Bingkun giving a speech before the start of the exercise

On July 4, 2019, Shandong Yongchuang Material Technology Co., Ltd. held a comprehensive accident emergency response plan exercise. Director Wei Jianfu of Zhucheng Emergency Bureau, Captain Guan Zhipeng of Municipal Fire Brigade, Captain Zhu Wei of Jiutai Fire Squadron, and Director Wang Bingkun of Shunwang Street , Li Shuye, Chairman of the Shunwang Sub-district Trade Union, Wang Yanjun, Director of the Shunwang Sub-district Safety Supervision Office, Sun Zhiyong, Chairman of Shandong Yongchuang Materials Technology Co., Ltd., and more than 50 units including ammonia and dust explosion-related enterprises, schools, and police stations conducted observation and learning.

The picture shows the emergency rescue team of Shandong Yongchuang Material Technology Co., Ltd.

Before the drill began, Director Wang Bingkun first emphasized the importance of emergency plans, requiring companies to carefully formulate emergency plans, conduct regular drills, and be equipped with all kinds of emergency supplies to ensure safe production.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, the drill officially began. The accident scenario set in this drill: the formaldehyde concentration alarm in the resin production area alarmed. Two operators checked on the spot. One operator found that the flange of the manual valve at the bottom of the reactor was leaking. Because he didn't wear protective equipment, he had difficulty breathing and collapsed to the ground.

Another operator immediately reported the situation to the commander-in-chief Sun Zhiyong, who immediately announced the activation of the emergency plan.

The picture shows the commander-in-chief Sun Zhiyong announced the launch of the emergency plan

The emergency response team and the accident rescue team immediately organized rescuers to wear protective equipment to enter the accident site and evacuated other on-site personnel.

The picture shows the accident rescue team rescuing injured employees

After the rescue was completed, the emergency response team reported to the commander-in-chief that the wounded had been rescued, the accident rescue team had taken care of the leak, and all the leaked material had entered the emergency pool.

The picture shows the emergency rescue team reporting the scene to the commander-in-chief

The medical team reported to the commander-in-chief that the wounded had been out of danger and had dialed 120 and 119 for rescue. Then 120 rushed to take the wounded to the hospital.

The picture shows the fire engine spraying water to dilute the scene of the accident

With the completion of the fire engine spraying water to dilute the leak site, the drill ended successfully.

The picture shows Director Wang Yanjun summarizing the exercise

Director Wang Yanjun commented on the drill and believed that the drill organization for the formaldehyde leakage plan was in place, the entire rescue team arrived at the scene quickly and orderly, the rescue teams coordinated and cooperated in an orderly manner, and the entire drill was rigorous, orderly and effective. He also pointed out that all departments should conscientiously sum up the experience of this drill, start with "preparation" and "strengthening the emergency mechanism", further improve the accident emergency rescue plan, strengthen the emergency accident drill, and provide guarantee for the company's safe production.

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