Focus on YONGCHUANG Information

Xu Song, Vice Mayor of Zhucheng City, went to Shandong Yongchuang to conduct research on backup enterprises to be listed

Released on:2022-01-10

On January 5, 2022, a delegation led by Xu Song, Deputy Mayor of Zhucheng City, Li Chenglin, Director of the Municipal Government Office, and Li Guoqing, Deputy Director of the Municipal Local Financial Supervision Bureau, visited Shandong Yongchuang Materials Technology Co., Ltd. for research on the backup enterprises to be listed. Sun Zhilan, Liu Meng, Deputy General Manager of the company, and Wang Chuanfeng, Minister of Finance accompanied the research.

At the symposium, Sun Zhilan, Deputy General Manager of the Company, Liu Meng, and Wang Chuanfeng, Minister of Finance, reported in detail the history, business philosophy, technical advantages, industry prospects and development strategy of Shandong Yongchuang around the company's listing preparation plan to Vice Mayor Xu Song.

In the process of listening to the report, Vice Mayor Xu Song asked about the content of the report from time to time, learned more about the details of the company, put forward guiding opinions around the important links in the preparation period for the listing of enterprises, and pointed out that: the soft environment for the listing of enterprises has been constantly optimized, entrepreneurs and company executives should firm their confidence, change their ideas, understand and leverage the capital market, seize the golden period of listing, the golden period of policy, and the period of enterprise development, Take advantage of the situation. In the process of listing, we should plan key links in advance, formulate a timetable and roadmap, and take the above market as an opportunity to continuously improve the standardized and modern management level and enhance the overall competitiveness of enterprises. As a local enterprise, Shandong Yongchuang's listing will play a positive role in solving the problem of enterprise capital operation, standardizing enterprise management, promoting local economic development, etc. The municipal governments will fully support the enterprises to develop and grow with the help of the capital market, and hope that Shandong Yongchuang will be listed as soon as possible!

Sun Zhilan, the deputy general manager of the company, said that the company has benefited a lot from the suggestions and guidance of Vice Mayor Xu Song. Shandong Yongchuang will be firm in confidence, active in planning, standardized in management, seize opportunities in combination with its own actual situation, methodically and solidly do all the basic work before listing, and strive to be listed as soon as possible!

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